Monday, March 25, 2013

Coming Soon

Hey there all you beautiful people. I hope all is well in your lives. Glad to see you’re tuning in. I know it’s been awhile since my last blog and I’ve been meaning to do one every week. However I’ve had a lot going on in the last couple of weeks not just with the music but with life in general. I’m sure you all know all about that lol Ok so in this blog I’d like to give you guys some updates on what’s been going on.



Those of you who are a part of my newsletter may already know this but for those of you who don’t I will fill you in on it. I recently was in the studio recording some new music for you to enjoy. I recorded 2 new songs, DANGER and TO LOVE AGAIN. These new songs are more pop based but still keeping the rock and roll soul at heart. I tried to draw away from the southern rock sound but you can still hear some influence. I feel it’s some of my best work yet so keep your eyes and ears open for the new release.

NEW EP coming soon?

 It’s been 2 years since the release of my latest record RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW and it’s about time I release a new one. Unfortunately finding the funds to do so right now seems to be nearly impossible. Luckily Thanks to the internet I’ve discovered an awesome new tool I could use to raise money with a little help from my friends. Friends meaning YOU!! Yes I need your help but I’m not asking for much. See I came across a site called . I’ll explain it to you here but don’t be afraid to go to the site and check it out yourself. Ok so how it works is I set up my campaign. I set a goal amount of money I need funded. Then I set pledges that you can pledge according to what you want to spend. You choose what you want to buy, pay in advance and once the project is done you receive your package. You can donate from $1 up to $1000. $1 dollar would get you a thank you and a free mp3,$10 gets you the digital EP,$20 digital CD plus poster,$500 get you everything the others offer plus a free live performance for your next party and esc! Very cool system. I get to fund my next CD and you get to own it and whatever other gift I have to offer as soon as it comes out. Right now I’m in the process of filming the promo video. Once it’s done I plan on starting the campaign and I will inform you all on how to get started.

For more news and updates including video and pics of recent performances please sign up for my newsletter at  its free to sign up and you get a free MP3!!

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